Recently, I was the lucky recipient of some complimentary gluten-free bread products from Canyon Bakehouse, a dedicated gluten-free facility in Loveland, Colorado. All I can say is… YUM!
Funny story; the day the Canyon Bakehouse products arrived, I placed them on the counter and waited patiently until Mike and the boys got home from work/school before I tore into them. The very second Sam saw the loaves of bread, he said, “MOM! Why is there “gluten” here?” Taken aback, I asked what he was talking about (because we have a dedicated GF house). He pointed to the Canyon Bakehouse packaging and I got it, they DO look like packages of “real wheat bread,” LOL! If you have been reading my blog for long, then you know how packaging and appearance are a VERY BIG DEAL to Sam right now, so score 1 for Canyon Bakehouse!
A little information on Canyon Bakehouse:
At Canyon Bakehouse, we believe making healthy choices shouldn’t mean compromising on the quality of the foods we love. More and more people are deciding to go “gluten free.” For people with celiac disease, avoiding gluten is a medical necessity. For others, it is simply a choice for their health and well-being. Canyon Bakehouse gluten-free breads have been specifically created to bring back the joy of real bread to those following a gluten-free diet. We think you’ll find Canyon Bakehouse Gluten Free Bread has all the texture and taste of normal bread!
I received a letter with my package of samples that goes into further detail about how Canyon Bakehouse came to be, and here are a few highlights:
Canyon Bakehouse is owned by husband and wife, Josh and Christi Skow and Master Baker, Ed Miknevicius.
Christi was diagnosed with celiac disease 3 years ago through a routine physical. She had been anemic, tired and had skin issues for years for unknown reasons. After being diagnosed, she had a difficult time transitioning to a 100% gluten-free diet. There were few choices for gluten-free bread on the market and what was available was very expensive and did not taste good.
Christi’s husband, Josh and Master Baker, Ed came up with the idea for their products in 2009 as they were sitting in a small Colorado Cafe near the Flat Top Wilderness area discussing the lack of good tasting and healthy gluten-free breads. At that point, Ed set out to create gluten-free bakery products that tasted good, were healthy and had the same texture as regular bread. The mission of Canyon Bakehouse was born, to “create delicious and nutritious gluten-free products the whole family can enjoy.”
All three of the sliced breads are great, but there was something in particular about the San Juan 7-Grain bread that really stood out to me… it looks and smells like whole wheat bread! I couldn’t help but just sit there with my nose in the bag, taking in an aroma that I had long forgot. It was a beautiful moment indeed. The bread also has that deep caramel color reminiscent of wheat bread and I was excited to try something that I had been wanting to try but never had a dark enough GF bread to do it with… Sandwich Puzzles!

1 slice of the San Juan 7-Grain bread has only 90 calories, 1 gram of fat, 2 grams of Fiber and just 2 grams of Sugar!! So a sandwich with 2 slices of bread has 4 grams of fiber... score 3!
Click here for more detailed information on the San Juan 7-Grain bread.
Click here for more detailed info on the Mountain White bread.

I recently cracked on my store-bought tomato boycott.... the good thing though, they are really not all that great, so I can definitely wait until the local tomatoes are in season! 🙂
Click here for more detailed info on the Cinnamon Raisin bread.
The Cinnamon Raisin Bread was another favorite around here. You do not need to toast any of the Canyon Bakehouse gluten-free breads but I like Cinnamon Raisin Toast for breakfast on occasion. I did notice that the Canyon Bakehouse breads toast up differently from the crispy toast I am accustomed to, it toasts up well on the outside, but stays soft on the inside. An interesting contrast of textures, but yummy nonetheless!
The Focaccia was incredibly moist with a pronounced Rosemary flavor and I absolutely love Rosemary! The Focaccia bread is thicker than what I am used to, so a little goes a long way! I do wish I had put mine in the freezer right away though (it’s a lot of bread for 2.5 people), because the moist Focaccia did succumb to decay rather quickly (which technically speaking is a GOOD thing, because it means NO CHEMICAL PRESERVATIVES!), just keep that in mind and learn from my mistake. 😉
Click here for more detailed info on the Rosemary & Thyme Focaccia bread.
Now for my personal favorite of all the products we sampled (and this was surprising to me), the Cranberry Crunch Muffins!
I cannot recall having ever seen a more beautiful muffin in my life! It was almost too pretty to eat (but boy did I eat them)! The Cranberry Crunch Muffins were honestly the product I was least excited to try because I do not like baked goods with nuts, seeds, etc., it’s a texture thing carried over from childhood.
The Cranberry Crunch Muffins have Cranberries, Pumpkin Seeds, Whole Grain Millet and Poppy Seeds in them, see why I was worried? Well, those worries were completely unfounded because I loved, loved, LOVED the muffins!! The crunch was a delightful surprise and not “too much,” if you know what I mean. Either my taste buds are really evolving as I have been trying new foods or the folks at Canyon Bakehouse have found the perfect ratio of crunch to fluffy muffin… not too much, not too little! Another score for Canyon Bakehouse!
Click here for more detailed info on the Cranberry Crunch Muffins.
Sigh… I miss these.
Would you like to try a sampling of the Canyon Bakehouse gluten-free baked goods?? Well, here is your chance to do so for free! The kind folks at Canyon Bakehouse have offered up the exact same package that they sent to me; to giveaway to one of my lucky readers!
The winner will receive one of each: Mountain White, San Juan 7-Grain, and Cinnamon Raisin sliced bread, a package of the Focaccia and a package of the Cranberry Crunch Muffins!
**This giveaway is now closed**
To enter this giveaway, please leave a comment in the reply box about:
“In which stores do you prefer to buy your gluten-free products?”
I personally shop all over the place, Online, Whole Foods, Trader Joe’s, Sunflower Market, R. Down Nutrition Center, my local Co-Op and Smith’s. Wow… that is a lot of driving! 🙂 I dream of a day when there is a Healthy Gluten-Free Super Center! 😉
How about you? Do you stick with one place or shop at several stores?
For Bonus entries:
- For 1 bonus entry: Sign up to Follow @gfbakehouse on Twitter.
- For 2 bonus entries: Tweet about this giveaway and include a link back to this post. Be sure to also include @adventuresgfmom in your tweet so I know that you have done this.
- For 1 bonus entry: Become a “Fan” of Canyon Gluten Free Bakehouse on Facebook.
I will use a Random Number Generator to pick the winner on Friday, April 23, 2010.
Good Luck! 😀
I like you have to travel to several different stores because no store carries everything I like. The range from our local grocery store-Stop n Shop-which has been great in adding new GF items, they even have a section dedicated to GF! I also shop at Whole Foods-pricey-, Trader Joes and a local health food store that has a great selection. Hope they carry the Canyon GF Bakehouse breads soon-The foccacia looks so good!
Manna Mills, Whole Foods, Central Co-op's Madison Market, Amazon Fresh grocery delivery, PCC stores.
Hello! I, like you, discovered Canyon Bakery and about died when I tasted the raisin bread. SOOOO GOOD. AH! I got it at my Whole foods in Fort Collins, CO I think literally the week it came out because I found their facebook page and think I was one of their first fans and their website wasn't up yet haha.
I shop (when at school in CA) at Trader Joe's (their brown rice tortillas are actually VERY good), Whole Foods, a specialty store called Simple Gluten Free and also regular stores like Ralph's and Vons.
Thanks for this opportunity!!
I too shop at several different stores, Hyvee, Aikins and two other family owned stores. I also buy on line as well. I live in a town that doesn't have a lot of options. I do travel on occasion to whole foods which is a 60 mile drive from my house.
That raisin bread looks way to good not to try 🙂
I have been looking tor GF products especially bread that tastes good. Looking forward to buying your products.
I shop at lots of stores for GF foods. The top 3 are Henry's, Whole Foods, and a local grocer here in San Diego, Keil's. I also purchase lots of items from Amazon. I like that I can get things in bulk at a discount! Just became a fcebook fan of Canyon Gluten Free Bakehouse too…can't wait to see their posts!
I'm new to the Gluten Free diet. Diagnosed with Celiac. I shop at HEB. Do you know if these are available in Texas? They look great!
I shop at several stores. I live in a small city and we do not have a lot of gluten-free options here. Our bulk food stores carry the most selection and most of our baked goods are sold frozen.
I love your blog and am making your meatballs tonight.
I only shop at Kroger and Meijer for all my groceries, including gluten-free products 🙂 *Thanks* for the giveaway!
Following @GFBakehouse on Twitter
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Tweeted the giveaway { 2 }
Canyon Gluten Free Bakehouse Facebook fan
Yum! I buy most of my stuff at Natural Grocers or Vitamin Cottage (name depends on where you live). That store coming to our area was a gift b/c they have fabulous prices and great selection!
Been gfree for about 3 months!! This sounds great!!!
I mostly get my gfree from HyVee (KS) and Whole Foods. I have been finding some things at Costco however, and that makes me very happy 🙂
Became a fan on facebook 🙂
Canyon Bakehouse products are available at Whole Foods in 8 states (at this time): CO, UT, NM, KS, TX, OK, LA & AR
Christi told me that they will have a product locator on their website soon!
I shop at a variety of stores. Costco is carrying more and more gluten free items – and at a much better price. Meijer's, Kroger's, Whole Foods and Trader Joe's are other favorites.
I prefer to shop at Kroger and my local health food store. I do shop online when necessary for products I can't get locally, but I detest paying high shipping costs.
I am following @GFBakehouse on Twitter.
I also shop at many different places! On-line, at chain grocery stores and love the farmers markets in the summer! I love shopping at the local Gluten Free Cupboard-the owners are the best.
Became a Canyon Gluten Free Bakehouse fan on Facebook
Tweeted about the giveaway. @maconmom
I shop at a Natural Grocer (Vitaman Cottage) and also a City Market in SW Colorado. I'm leaning more to NG these days then CM since they have a better gf selection.
Also now following GFbakehouse and tweeted about the contest. (whoo hoo bonus!)
I go to several stores but get most of my GF flours from Natural Grocer. I want to go on vacation someday to a Trader Joe's.
Unfortunately, where I live none of the grocery stores carry gluten free products except what I can find at Wal-Mart. The nearest Whole Foods is 3 hours away….not very convenient. I have to order what I need online. Would love to try this bread, it looks delicious!!! Also, became a fan on Facebook.
I shop everywhere. I live in a fairly small town, each of the local stores has a couple of different things, but for stocking up I drive 1hr 45 mins to Trader Joes and a Whole Foods. I also shop online, but the shipping sometimes turns me off on things I haven't tried.
I would love to see it at Trader Joe's! But if not, a store like Henry's is good too. In Southern California ANYwhere would be a delight! 🙂
I would LOVE to see it at Trader Joe's!! I shop there, Whole Foods and on line mostly. Where I live there aren't too many options for GF items, however I'll be moving in a few months and hear great things about the stores there.
I became a fan on FB, following on Twitter, and tweeted about the review and give away. The Focaccia looks AMAZING! 🙂
I would like to purchase these products through Trader' Joes or Whole Foods in Md or Washington DC Metro area.
I have gotten really good at baking GF bread but it is nice to buy it too! I would love to buy it at my favorite healthfood store – Harvest Health Foods (MI) as well as CostCo, and Meijers. Wish I had a Trader Joes or Whole Foods near me but the closest is 2 1/2 hours away. I am eager to try this bread. It looks yummy! I became a fan of Canyon Bakehouse on Facebook too! I told my girlfriend who lives in Loveland about the bakery. She is excited.
Yummy! These look great!
Now a follower on Twitter
Tweeted about this giveaway!
I became a Facebook fan :-0
I am such a huge Udi's fan that I wonder if this is worth a try. Did you like it as much as Udi's?? I buy their bread and pizza crusts by the case for my gang. I just went to the gluten free expo here in IL this past weekend and found very few new or exciting things out there. I would be willing to try this bread I guess…maybe I can do it for free. Thanks for all the great advice!
I shop on line, trader joes, and Shop Rite.
Very good question! I guess I would have to say I like them both, and for different reasons… I am an Udi's diehard, no doubt about it and I am fiercely loyal to them because they singlehandedly gave me my life back (so to speak).
I am NOT switching from one brand to the other, but I will definitely buy the Canyon Bakehouse San Juan 7-Grain and Cinnamon Raisin Bread IN ADDITION to the Udi's bread we already know and love.
I will also buy the Cranberry Crunch Muffins!
Udi's does not make a "dark" whole grain bread (which I need for my Sandwich Puzzles! 😉 ), nor do they make a Cinnamon Raisin Bread. Each company has found a unique niche.
Know what's funny to me (as in, I am deliriously HAPPY), being in this GF life for 5 years now? We in the gluten-free community, FINALLY have a choice (and really great choices at that!).
I sort of feel like I just woke up one day and was all of a sudden part of the "cool crowd!" 😉
Hey Heidi!
I soooo want to try this bread. Since I figure I can't be lucky enough to win a second giveaway from your site I may just have to go buy some tomorrow on my grocery shopping night. I was going to pick up some Udi's but looks like I should try some of this – I think I saw one of their products at WFM on Wyoming.
And yes, I go to multiple stores too. Costco, Smith's and Trader Joe's every week and then Whole Foods and Talin International Market as needed. Sunflower in an emergency as it is close to work.
PS: I am already a fan of Canyon on FB. But no tweeting yet; first the blog, then maybe tweeting later! Not sure I can handle it all or if my husband can handle it all!
I buy GF foods at Sprouts, Market Street and Whole Foods. My local grocery stores carry some things too, which is so nice. Mostly, I bake all my own cookies and cakes. I will become a fan on FB too. Thank you and I hope to try some of your wonderful sounding products!
I forgot to mention Talin!! I love that place, I can sooo get lost in the beautiful "bizarreness" of it! 😉 I buy lots of Cassava (Tapioca) stuff there, even the whole tuber to make faux mashed potatoes… ANYWAY… I will get you on Twitter yet, your blog is a great addition for the GF/Vegetarian community…heck, you even have me eating Pinto Bean Carrot Spice Cake! 😉
Vitamin Cottage, Sunflower Market. I love baking and usually make my own breads because what I have seen available that is GF in the stores is just not like btread to me. Would love to try Canyon Bakehouse. Plus they are from Colorado, so a local company I have not seen yet. Thanks!! I'm going to FB to fan you right now. 😉
Just became a facebook fan 🙂
I shop at several places for gluten-free foods: two local bakeries, Andrea's Fine Foods and Beck's Gluten Free, Whole Foods, and a local grocery store that stocks a large inventory of gluten-free foods, Dierbergs.
I shop at Reasors, Sams, Amazon Grocery, and Whole Foods.
The places I rely on to get my gluten free items are Whole Foods and Trader Joe's
I shop at several places – Sprouts, Whole Foods, and sometimes Market Street, for gluten-free goods. Where are these products sold? They look great!
Right now they are available at Whole Foods in 8 states: CO, UT, NM, KS, TX, OK, LA & AR
But hopefully that will soon change! 🙂
I've heard so much about this bread, I really need to try it! I do my shopping at Lil's Dietary Shop, my local gluten free mom and pop shop.
I shop for gluten free products at my local grocery stores, and I tend to go to a few: Trader Joes, Market Basket & Shaws.
But when I need to stock up on a bunch of products, I go to a local natural foods store that is like a gluten-free gold mine! I have never left without spending less than $100!
I've never seen this bread in any of my locations – would just LOVE to try it out! I finally got my hands on some Udi's and loved it!
Thanks Heidi 🙂
I have little choice in where to purchase locally. I buy at Buehler's Fresh Food Market and they are making a good attempt to grow their gluten-free selection. There is currently NO local store to purchase decent gluten-free bread or other bakery items. I would love to try yours!
I shop at Sunflower, Sprouts, WholeFoods, Costco and the Vitamin Cottage. Depends on where I'm working out and what's on my list as to where I go. I picked up some of the 7 Grain bread in my local wholeFoods…Would love the try the muffins and foccacia.
Following @gfbakehouse on Twitter
Tweeted this Giveaway
Tweeted this Giveaway – Second Entry
Became a fan of my fave bread on Facebook
I shop for gf stuff mostly at vitamin cottage and whole foods. =0)
I'm a fan of Canyon Bakehouse on Facebook!
by the way, did you see Vitamin cottage is coming to paseo and coors next week!!!? woohoo!
Kelly… no I did not see that! WOO-HOO! I would go to Vitamin Cottage more often if it were closer and now I will! Thanks for the info Kelly!
I shop all over the place – Whole Foods, Trader Joe's, Publix, Kroger, local health food stores, online… I love the plethora of options!
Unfortunately I've just completely removed bread from my diet. I've been ok with that for the most part but reading this blog and looking ta those pictures makes my mouth water…thinking that i actually could have YUMMY bread.
I shop for Gluten Free online and at my local New Leaf Market. I would love to have more options but they are just not available where I live!!!
I am a Facebook Fan!!!
I love to shop at Whole Foods but unfortunately I have to drive and hour and a half to do so. Locally I shop at Meijer and pick up a couple things at Kroger.
I mostly shop online, at Mom's Organic Market which is right around the corner, and a independent health food store a little farther away that has a big selection of gf products.
That bread looks fantastic. I'd love to try it.
I also shop all over the place…but mostly I've been shopping at our Walmart (isle 7) and do a lot of cooking and baking from scratch.
became a fan on facebook…I now "like" gfbakehouse
We shop a few places: Wal*Mart, Smith's, a small health food store here, and sometimes we go up to Durango, CO to a hfs there. When we hit places like Las Cruces or Albuquerque, I ALWAYS take a cooler and stock up of GF things at Whole Foods and Trader Joe's.
FYI to Abq'er's – Whole Foods on Wyoming is out of Canyon right now. When I went this evening on my grocery rounds they only had two foccacia left. I took one. One of the guys working the dept said that the next shipment should come on Thursday. So I had to buy Udi's instead, which I love, but I was looking forward to trying Canyon!
Then, all you celiacs will love this, the guy tried to sell me Ezekial (sp?) bread, that sprouted grain stuff in the freezer. Uh, no, spelt and sprouted wheat are not gluten free. How many times has that happened to you!?! In my fifteen years, many. Ugh! You gotta know your facts and not trust the salespeople!
Just tore off a bit of the foccacia. Pretty good! A little dense for me and a little "gf" tasting but I'll eat it!!! I don't remember having foccacia in my gluten days so I don't have anything to compare it to anyway. I was expecting it to be flatter/thinner. But the flavor was nice. One of my dogs was following me around sniffing and begging for a bit.
Oh, I LOVE the Spelt conversation! 🙂
Did you see Kelly's comment about Vitamin Cottage coming to Paseo and Coors?
I did see that comment. Isn't there one over on Montgomery already?
I don't get down/over to Coors very often. Dealing with I-25/Paseo traffic and the I-25 construction every day is enough for me! We are such hermits…
There is one on Montgomery, I am just never "up there!"
I buy most of my GF food at Whole Foods, as it is the most convenient store (just down the street from where I work). Once we get our car in working order, I want to start shopping at Trader Joe's. I hear their food is less expensive than WF's.
I prefer to buy them at co-ops and local grocery stores.
I buy a few things at Trader Joe's, a few things at Super Target, occasionally something at Costco, and fill in all the gaps (the convenience food gaps, that is) at local health food stores (Lang's Health Food, and the Whole Wheatery…I know, the name sounds all wrong, but they have a big GF section!).
I shop at our major local grocery store (Woodman's), at a small ethnic grocery (great source of cheap stuff), and at our local grocery cooperative. I've not seen this brand of bread anywhere. It sure looks good, though!
I buy most of my GF stuff at Donelan's, our local grocery store. Not too man brands to choose from, but the fact that they have a gluten free selection at all is a big relief!
My local Target has come goodies but mostly I shop at Henry's, Wholesome Choice, and Mother's Market.
So many stores! Fortunately in SF lots of stores carry GF goods, but no one store has all the things I want, plus I am always looking for good deals, so I still end up going all over town. Whole Foods, Trader Joe's, and my local Co-op are regular haunts.
I live in Southern Nevada, and have had the most luck shopping at Smiths, Whole Foods & Trader Joes. I will, every couple of months, travel into Southern California to go to Mother's Market in Laguna Woods. This store is my favorite! I wish they had them outside of California.
Trader Joe's, Raley's, occasionally Whole Foods if I happend to be in a city that has one, and online. Random I know!
Became a fan on FB!!
I'm another person who is limited and feels like I'm on an island away from other people when it comes to finding GF foods in my town. I travel to the next town 30 minutes away to shop at Hy-Vee. The staff there are great! I order a case of GF bread about once a month from them. They only offer two brands of GF bread and one to me is like styrofoam. The pictures of these breads look AMAZING!!! I would love to win this and to try another brand of GF foods. I'm glad that more companies are coming forward to help make those on the GF lifestyle feel more like a normal person! Thank you!!
Online or Kroger but the selection is so limited. My son is allergic to EVERYTHING (OK – not really, but it seems like it some days).
I shop at my Kroger store who has a wide variety of Gluten free stuff. I also will shop at other places but most who care gluten free are a couple hours away.
I shop at Sprouts, Sunflower Shop, Market Street and sometimes Whole Foods. Would love to try some of those breads for my 2 year old son with celiac.
I buy my GF products at Trader Joes.They have a good selection of rice pasta,english muffins,mac & cheese.I also go to Stop and shop where they have a selection of cake mixes,amys pizza and bards beeer.
I usually shop at whole foods for their GF muffins (blueberry is the best!) the reason for this is bc my son can't have egg either & most store bought GF things have egg in them. There is this great local GF Bakery called Outside The Breadbox. They make excellent crackers, breads, etc etc. It's great!!
I do not have much to choose from for gluten free here in Hutchinson, Ks. Dillons and a couple of other stores has a small array in which to choose from. I also do not have the time to shop as I work two jobs .
Also hard to find things to eat as I am not home much to cook. Such a problem!
I would love to try your bread especially since summer is going to be here and I love BLT'S!! Hope you offer some products on line that you can ship! Thanks for making gluten free products! You Rock! (just wish you were near Hutchinson Ks
I like Vitamin Cottage and Whole Foods in Colorado Springs, CO. Prices are better depending on items at VC and I'll drive all the way to Whole Foods which is much further for Ginger Molasses cookies as theirs are much better. For stocking up on flours and grabbing a few products VC is really convenient. I still haven't found a decent bought pizza and am looking forward to trying any new breads as I haven't started trying to make my Mom's recipes since most of hers were in FL and I can't gain access now that she passed and she'd taken her recipes with her right before she died without me copying most of them! I miss her GF pancakes and waffles as they could have been packaged and branded. I'm still learning!!
I prefer to buy gluten free in my local Fry's. The Fry's by me is close to a retirement community so their selection of gluten free foods is huge! and wonderful. Walking down three aisles of food. However, I would travel to Trader joe's or sunflower to have good bread, but they are 45 minutes away from me.
Thank you for the possibility to win. I am anxious to try this bread, but try to buy locally to support my gluten free grocers.
I wanted to add another entry as I am a fan of canyonhouse on facebook which I think was one of the bonuses. 🙂
Canyon Bakehouse Bread is now available in Sacramento. California at the Gluten Free Specialty Market, 2612 J Street, #1, Sacramento, CA 95816. Call or check blog for fresh delivery dates. 916-442-5241 or