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GoPicnic Giveaway Winners…

Thank you everyone for participating in the GoPicnic Giveaway, and for all the extra work to get bonus entries! I made a list of everyone and added the appropriate amount of entries for each person, which came to a total of 33 entries. I used a random number generator to pick the three winners and they are as follows:

1) Robin

2) Mieke

3) Tavia

Ladies, I will email you with further details!

Don’t forget that GoPicnic is offering a 20% discount on orders placed up until February, 24, 2010 using the coupon code GLUTENFREE at checkout! If you haven’t done so already, sign up for GoPicnic’s newsletter to get notified of current sales they are offering!

If you did not win this time, please keep checking back. I have 2 more giveaways planned for this week! Yea!! 😀


  1. Sooo excited that I won! Thanks so much for hosting such a great giveaway! 🙂